-----Original Message-----
From: fellini49 <fellin...@aol.com>
To: AMIA-L <ami...@lsv.uky.edu>
Sent: Thu, Oct 16, 2014 12:25 pm

 from Lisa Flanzraich/Queens College/Flushing NY. 718-997-3673

Dear Members and Friends,
Rouben Mamoulian
and his remarkable body of work on film will be remembered on Friday, November 
7, 2014,7pm, at the Museum  of the Moving Image in Astoria, NY. Amonghis 
memorable films to be shown are Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Applause, Love 
MeTonight, Queen Christina,Silk Stockings over the November 7, 8, 9 weekend.
The Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian Cultural 
Educational Resource Center Galleryat Queens  College are partnering with The 
Museum of the Moving Image to plan a FANTASTIC Mamoulian Film Festival.
Opening night and reception will feature Love MeTonight, the1932 musical 
comedyfilm produced and directedby Rouben  Mamoulian, with musicby Rodgers and 
Hart, starringJeanette MacDonald and MauriceChevalier. Saturday and Sunday will 
feature such favoritesas Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Silk Stockings, just to mention 
a few.
Curator  of MOMI, David Schwartz, has in the past invitedMartin Scorsese and 
Peter Bogdanovich to join MOMI's Q&A sessions. There is strong possibility that 
one or both  may attend our Q&Aafter the film on opening night. (If they are in 
town.) That evening, Director/Producer Saro Varjabedian  (EliotLoves, After 
Water There is Sand) and Director/Actor VaroujanFroundjian will
also join us for the Q&A after the film.
Please join us for this Red Carpet Opening Gala. RSVP by October  24,2014. 
Seating is limited so pleaseorder early.
Sincerely, MargaretC. Tellalian-Kyrkostas, Executive Director
Anthropology Museum  of the Peopleof New York & Armenian  Cultural  Educational 
ResourceCenter Gallery
Mamoulian  FilmFestival opening night Film and Reception
Friday, November 7,tickets $20 each. Enclosed$                     for          
            # of tickets
Mail check in enclosed envelope  to:The Anthropology Museumof the People of 
N.Y. @ Queens College
64-19 Kissena Blvd., KissenaHall I, Mezzanine, Flushing, New York 11367
Please add my donation of $                     to help defray the 
Anthropology/Armenian Museum  expenses.
Any amount is most welcome.
For a $100 donation your name will appear in the printed programand receive two 
FREE tickets. For a $50 donation your name will appear in the printed 
programand receive one FREE ticket.

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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