Dear Videolib,

Here's the latest update from Video Round Table on our preconference in San Francisco at ALA2015. Having it offsite -- a short bus ride or 15-20 minute walk from the convention center-- will allow us to have walk-in registrations. (If you plan to attend but not register through the ALA site, please let us know.) Come early for delicious breakfast treats.

LOCATION: Ninth Street Independent Film Center, 145 Ninth St.
Friday, June 26, 2015, 10am until 4:00pm. Attend all or some of the four individual sessions.
***AMIA @ ALA: Preserving and Promoting Your Library's Audiovisual Collections**

From members of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, attendees will learn what libraries can do to protect, preserve, and make use of their film and video collections. For those to whom A/V stewardship is new or who may be facing new mandates for "dealing with" the A/V material in their care, we'll be covering archiving basics (conservation, preservation, remastering, access). For those familiar with archival practices, this will be a refreshing interpretation of those standards (like actually using your 16mm collection). In addition to learning what libraries can do to protect, preserve, and make use of their film and video collections, participants will receive a resources list, a How-To list of Best Practices and a resource list for librarians without much media format experience.

The four sections in this pre-conference program will address the storage and use needs of 16mm and VHS formats and players in circulating or previously circulating collections, share a straightforward plan for migrating magnetic media collections and examine ongoing efforts to re-introduce 16mm film into K-12, college, and community classrooms as both a preservation and an education initiative.

Coffee + cake! 9:30am - 10:00am

Section 1: 10am-11:00am
AMIA @ ALA: How Libraries can Preserve Analog Resources in a Digital World
This program looks at what academic and public libraries can do to protect, preserve, and make use of their 16mm, U-Matic, and vhs collections.

Section 2: 11:00am-12:00pm
AMIA @ ALA: Don’t Be A Film Wrecker - Best Practices for Storing, Repairing, and Viewing Film Prints and VHS Tapes This session is an interactive lecture demonstration addressing the storage and use needs of 16mm and VHS formats and players in circulating or previously circulating collections.

Lunch Break! 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Section 3: 1:00pm-2:30pm
AMIA @ ALA: A/V Outsourcing for All: A Step-by-Step Method for Initiating Video Digitization Projects Videotape is at the end of its lifetime. Archives must begin migrating these precious records to digital files without delay. This panel presents a straightforward plan for migrating magnetic media collections. UsingNew York University’s Digitizing Video for Long-term Preservation: An RFP Guide and Template,we will examine all aspects of the workflow for outsourced digitization projects, including technical requirements, file formats, metadata, workflow and transfer specifications, quality assurance, quality control, file naming and file transfer protocol.

Coffee break! 2:30 pm-2:45pm

Section 4: 2:45pm-4:00pm
AMIA @ ALA: Using Films: Reviving 16mm in the 21st Century Classroom
This panel will examine ongoing efforts to re-introduce 16mm film into K-12, college, and community classrooms as both a preservation and an education initiative. Typical 16mm content is often not available in other formats, and the continued usefulness and adaptability of the gauge and medium in educational efforts underscores its viability. Collection assessment efforts at colleges and universities in the U.S. have yielded local treasures, as well as presumed-lost born-16 films. Learning environments dedicated to film study can benefit enormously from this resource, as can public/social history, history of science, art and advertising, communications, and foreign language, and countless other disciplinary areas.

-- See more at:

Deborah Benrubi
Technical Services Librarian
University of San Francisco
Gleeson Library|Geschke Center
2130 Fulton St. San Francisco, CA 94117
ph. 415.422.5672 fax 415.422.2233

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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