
We do not loan noise canceling headphones, but we do hand out on request,
disposable ear plugs.

This started when the library was undergoing renovation, so we had buckets
of the plugs out for the public.  Now we just make them available.

No need to sanitize anything, they are all individually wrapped, in sets
of 2.

Widely availableŠ less than $.10 a set.

Also can be acquired in custom printed boxes for promotional use.


deg farrelly
Media Librarian/Streaming Video Administrator
Arizona State University Libraries
Tempe, AZ  85287-1006

On 8/18/15, 12:39 PM, ""
<> wrote:
>Does anyone circulate noise canceling headphones in their library?  We
>are doing what we can go keep noise levels down on two floors, but
>sometimes this is impossible.  I know of the sanitation issues and
>expense of such phones, but I'm curious to hear your pros and cons.
>Debra H. Mandel

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