Dear Videolib-ers,

I am very pleased to pass along a call for applications from the Institute for 
Research Design in Librarianship. I was accepted into last year's IRDL with a 
proposal about faculty use of and preferences for educational streaming video 
resources. I learned more about designing and executing a research project in 
the two weeks I spent in LA than I had previously in four years as a 
professional librarian and two years of library school. Definitely please feel 
free to email me off list if you have any questions about IRDL and/or if you 
need any help preparing an application!

Apologies for cross-posting!

Andy Horbal
Head of Learning Commons
1101 McKeldin Library
7649 Library Ln.
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
(301) 405-9227

* * *

"IRDL not only set me on the path to producing and properly documenting 
original research, but it set me up with a network of like-minded Librarians 
who will help me achieve my goals." - 2014 IRDL Scholar

We are issuing a call for applications for the Institute for Research Design in 
Librarianship (IRDL) 2016. We are seeking novice librarian researchers who are 
employed by academic libraries or research libraries outside an academic 
setting in the United States to participate in the Institute. Novice 
researchers typically may have conducted research but have not yet had a 
peer-reviewed article published as the primary author or had an individual 
presentation accepted by a peer-reviewed conference. We define "novice" 
broadly; if you feel that you would benefit from being guided throughout the 
entire research design process, we encourage your application. Librarians of 
all levels of professional experience are welcome to apply.

The third workshop will be held on June 6-16, 2016, with arrival on campus on 
Sunday, June 5, and departure on Friday, June 17.

The William H. Hannon Library has received a three-year grant from the 
Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to offer this continuing 
education opportunity for academic and research librarians. Each year 21 
librarians will receive, at no cost to them, instruction in research design and 
a full year of peer/mentor support to complete a research project at their home 
institutions; the learning experience, travel to and from Los Angeles, CA, 
accommodations, and food will be supplied to Scholars free of charge. The 
summer IRDL workshop is supplemented with pre-Institute learning activities and 
a peer learning network that provides ongoing support. The workshop will be 
held on the campus of Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. 
For more information about the project, including the project partners, the San 
José State University School of Information and the Statewide California 
Electronic Library Consortium (SCELC), please see the project website:

We seek librarians with a passion for research and a desire to improve their 
research skills. IRDL is designed to bring together all that the literature 
tells us about the necessary conditions for librarians to conduct valid and 
reliable research in an institutional setting. The cohort will be chosen from a 
selective submission process, with an emphasis on enthusiasm for research and 
diversity from a variety of perspectives, including ethnicity and type and size 
of library.

Selection criteria:

  *   Commitment to the year-long process of communicating with other 
participants and conducting the proposed study within the 2016-2017 academic 

  *    Significance of the research problem to the operational success of the 
applicant's library or to the profession of librarianship;

  *    Thoughtfulness, thoroughness, and clarity of the research proposal;

  *   Enthusiasm for research and a desire to learn.

We will be accepting applications from December 1, 2015 to February 1, 2016.

Scholars accepted to the Institute will be notified in early April, 2016.

Please contact Project Directors with any questions about the Institute or the 
application process: Kristine Brancolini, Dean of the Library, Loyola Marymount 
University (<>) Marie Kennedy, Serials & 
Electronic Resources Librarian, Loyola Marymount University 

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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