
 > I have had troubles compiling matrix-test-* for quite some time, but it
> has gone worse over time. The compilation process appears to eat up one
> core at 100% (i have a core i5!) and over 1GB on RAM, which is enough to
> freeze my computer for 20-25sec.

100% is just what a core is supposed to do ;-) However, your computer 
should definitely not freeze. Do you use any GUI for this? I have no 
problems with `make -j4`, yet it eats up almost the whole 6 GB main RAM. 
Since the test is a combination of 'float' and 'double', we can also 
split this up into two separate compilations (which would presumably 
also be more uniform with the upcoming integer tests).

> I have the same problem with the other
> matrix-test-* benchmarks.
>   I went completely crazy and turned -j4 on, which totally froze my
> computer and forced me to hard reboot :D
>   Anyway, I am running gcc 4.7 (the default Ubuntu 13.04 version). Is
> anybody else experiencing similar issues?

Are you running into swap memory? You system should be totally fine with 
it as long as you don't use all cores or saturate main RAM.

Best regards,

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