Hi Soufiane,

 > My mistake is from a misunderstanding of the documentation. I read that:
> Conjugate Gradient (CG) symmetric positive definite
> Stabilized Bi-CG (BiCGStab) non-symmetric
> Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) general
> Like "General A" NxM, my is for any kind of square-matrices.

Ah, I see, I'll improve the wording. :-)

> I have already try least square via QR, SVD... But the result are "too
> sharp" (the result are visual position on 3D space), I would like a more
> smooth method, that why I try to use a method based on gradient or
> iterative method.
> Did you know any method with a "relaxation-step" inside or based on
> gradient I could use with rectangular matrices?

As long as you are trying to solve the same least squares problem, you 
should get the same solution (otherwise the solver hasn't converged). To 
get a 'smoother' result, you can either apply weights to the individual 
points (search for 'weighted least squares') or use a general nonlinear 
distance metric, e.g. logarithmic.

Best regards,

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