Hi Toby,

 > So I've uploaded PyViennaCL packages which don't have the shared_ptr
> troubles that my previous ones did (in the end, I split what used to be
> a single Python extension into many smaller extensions under one package
> namespace). These packages seem mostly to work, and (for instance), pass
> my blas3_prod and blas3_solve tests. Try them out, if you can!

Hmm, it's not very satisfactory if we don't yet know what the issue was...

> There still seems to be something weird going on, though:
>    $ python3 tests/pyviennacl/vector_operations.py
>    ----------------------------------------------
>    ----------------------------------------------
>    ## Test :: vector operations
>    ----------------------------------------------
>    ----------------------------------------------
>    *** Using float numeric type ***
>    # Testing setup:
>      eps:      0.001
>    Now using A=vector, B=vector, C=vector
>    Test: initialisation of vector with CPU scalar passed
>    Test: initialisation of vector with ndarray passed
>    Test: initialisation of vector with Vector passed
>    Test: negation passed
>    Test: in-place scale (multiplication) passed
>    Test: in-place add passed
>    ERROR 2013-12-21 22:55:43,949 pyviennacl.pycore 2759 execute
>      EXCEPTION EXECUTING: InplaceAdd(Vector, Mul(Vector, 
> Scalar)=>Vector)=>Vector
>    Traceback (most recent call last):
>      File "tests/pyviennacl/vector_operations.py", line 458, in <module>
>        sys.exit(test())
>      File "tests/pyviennacl/vector_operations.py", line 444, in test
>        test_vector_slice(run_test, epsilon, p.float32, 11)
>      File 
> "/home/toby/src/viennacl/pyviennacl-dev/tests/pyviennacl/test_common.py", 
> line 124, in test_vector_slice
>        dtype = dtype)
>      File "tests/pyviennacl/vector_operations.py", line 109, in run_test
>        vcl_A += alpha * vcl_B
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 530, in 
> __iadd__
>        op.execute()
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 2101, 
> in execute
>        self._result = s.execute()
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 2757, 
> in execute
>        self.vcl_statement.execute()
>    RuntimeError: ViennaCL: Internal memory error: unknown memory handle 
> (memory_read)!
> This seems to be reproducible where something like this happens:
>    $ python3
>    Python 3.3.3 (default, Dec  8 2013, 15:11:36)
>    [GCC 4.8.2] on linux
>    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>    >>> import pyviennacl as p
>    >>> x = p.Vector(5, 2.0, dtype=p.float32)
>    >>> y = p.Vector(5, 0.3, dtype=p.float32)
>    >>> a = p.Scalar(p.float32(2.0))
>    >>> b = p.HostScalar(p.float32(5.0))
>    >>> x *= a
>    ERROR 2013-12-21 23:13:14,927 pyviennacl.pycore 2759 execute
>      EXCEPTION EXECUTING: Assign(Vector, Mul(Vector, 
> Scalar)=>Vector)=>NoResult
>    Traceback (most recent call last):
>      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 571, in 
> __imul__
>        return op.result
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 2090, 
> in result
>        self.execute()
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 2101, 
> in execute
>        self._result = s.execute()
>      File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyviennacl/pycore.py", line 2757, 
> in execute
>        self.vcl_statement.execute()
>    RuntimeError: ViennaCL: Internal memory error: unknown memory handle 
> (memory_read)!
>    >>> x.value
>    array([ 2.,  2.,  2.,  2.,  2.], dtype=float32)
>    >>> y *= b
>    >>> y.value
>    array([ 1.5,  1.5,  1.5,  1.5,  1.5], dtype=float32)
> I haven't yet written up a pure C++ test case, but it seems to be the
> case that performing arithmetic operations via the scheduler using
> device scalars on (device) vectors and matrices results in memory
> errors; if this isn't because of my code reorganisation, then it's a
> regression. Unless someone beats me to it, I'll check the C++ case
> sometime tomorrow or the day after.
> Operations like this via the scheduler work fine right now:
>    >>> x += y
>    >>> x.value
>    array([ 3.5,  3.5,  3.5,  3.5,  3.5], dtype=float32)

Hmm, I created a C++ test case for x *= a, but everything worked out. I 
also checked the corresponding scheduler code, there's also nothing 
suspicious. The internal memory error looks as if 'x' or 'a' is not 
created properly. Do other operations with Scalars work?

Best regards,

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