Hey !

2014-02-15 1:16 GMT+00:00 Toby St Clere Smithe <m...@tsmithe.net>:

> Hi Karl,
> (looks like I never did get around to this that next morning..!)
> Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> > As long as you're a student, you're eligible to apply for GSoC. ;-)
> > However, I don't give any guarantees, your application will be treated
> > equally. You certainly have an advantage with respect to how things
> > work, but no other student should be excluded upfront.
> It would definitely be great to be able to finish what I've started!
> >> My list of features to complete in PyViennaCL (as separate from ViennaCL
> >> itself) is centered around interoperability and further integration with
> >> the ecosystem. For instance, I want to enable interaction with PyOpenCL
> >> and PyCUDA (as discussed before), which would entail providing access to
> >> the underlying memory buffers, contexts, programs, etc. I also need to
> >> add simple (for the user!) support for SciPy sparse matrix types. Then,
> >> with these two features I'd much more easily be able to work on better
> >> integration and competition with systems like Theano.
> >
> > Yep, that's definitely a nice-to-have!
> I was thinking about another nice-to-have feature. I'd quite like to
> make it possible (if it is in fact possible..) to play with prototyping
> implementations of other algorithms for ViennaCL in PyViennaCl using
> PyOpenCL and PyCUDA; for instance (just picking a recently discussed
> example) to implement using PyOpenCL a cl_program for sparse matrix
> multiplication, and be able to use the resultant buffer like any other
> PyViennaCL matrix object. I don't know if it would be worthwhile to hook
> into the generator or scheduler at this point.
> Just personally, I'd quite like this functionality, because I do find
> rapid development easier in Python than C++, and I would like to play
> with implementing matrix algorithms at some point in the future.
It would be a nice feature which would help development and contributions
from external developers. However, I would greatly advise to implement it
for C++ in first place. It is very easy to do at this level (basically a
switch before the program is compiled checking for user-provided source).
I'd even wait for the external-blas linking feature for that, since some
nice overloads could help. The interface for blas-linking is not precisely
defined yet. Except of:

-> viennacl::link(GEMM_OR_WHATEVER, viennacl::cl_amd_blas)

One would have

-> viennacl::link(GEMM_OR_WHATEVER, awesome_source_code)

>From that point, providing this feature in python is just the wrapping of a
C++ function and would probably not take you more than a day.

I think we'll discuss more about it when we start the thread on
blas-linking, since this is close enough!

Best regards,

 > I'm still convinced that libviennacl is the better choice once it is
> > reasonably feature-complete. It will avoid quite a bunch of hassle when
> > dealing with a C++-ABI as well as Boost.
> Yes; I'll need to investigate this. At the moment, I quite enjoy the
> object-oriented nature of ViennaCL, and there are parts of PyViennaCL
> which are inelegantly not-OOP. So I'd probably want to think about which
> way is going to be most elegant overall.
> Presumably, the C++ API isn't going to disappear?
> > Fair enough. Python is just a too vibrant ecosystem, so we should
> > dedicate an appropriate amount of attention.
> Yes!
> Cheers,
> Toby
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