Hi Toby,

 >> The less expertise a package assumes from its users, the better and more
>> useful it usually is :-) Python's success is the best evidence :-)
> Right. What sort of first steps tutorials should I include? I don't know
> what would be too basic..

Just a few basic examples on how to use the most important blocks of 
  - Creating ViennaCL objects
  - Copy data to/from the ViennaCL-objects
  - Vector operations, Matrix-Vector operations, Matrix-matrix operations
  - Iterative solvers
  - Any other functionality wrapped, e.g. QR-factorization

> Creating vectors, sparse and dense matrices? Basic manipulations
> (including matrix multiplication)? An introduction to the pitfalls of
> mixing numeric types ('dtypes')? A comparison between NumPy and
> PyViennaCL with regards to the * operator?

Yes, yes, yes, yes :-) It's not that a lot to write, but will be very 
helpful for users.

> What about more advanced stuff, like using the solvers? A fair amount of
> this stuff has example code in the tests..!

Yes, also that, even if it is mostly copy&paste. Keep in mind that these 
manual pages will also be available online, so search engines will bring 
users to these pages (and thus PyViennaCL) even if they are not 
explicitly looking for PyViennaCL.

Thanks and best regards,

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