Dear ViennaCL users,

If you've ever used Python for your numerical applications, you know
what joy it can be. Now, the easy power of ViennaCL 1.5.1 is at last
married to that experience. I am pleased to announce the first release
of PyViennaCL!

Download links for source and Ubuntu binaries are found at the usual
 * If you are or know anyone who could help with building PyViennaCL for
   other systems (Windows, Mac OS X, CentOS / RHEL, Fedora, SuSE, ...),
   please get in touch!

See the following link for documentation and example code:

PyViennaCL 1.0.0 exposes most of the functionality of ViennaCL:
 + sparse (compressed, co-ordinate, ELL, and hybrid) and dense
 (row-major and column-major) matrices, vectors and scalars on your
 compute device using OpenCL;
 + standard arithmetic operations and mathematical functions;

 + fast matrix products for sparse and dense matrices, and inner and
 outer products for vectors;

 + direct solvers for dense triangular systems;

 + iterative solvers for sparse and dense systems, using the BiCGStab,
 CG, and GMRES algorithms;

 + iterative algorithms for eigenvalue estimation problems.

PyViennaCL has also been designed for straightforward use in the context
of NumPy and SciPy: PyViennaCL objects can be constructed using NumPy
arrays, and arithmetic operations and comparisons in PyViennaCL are

Some ViennaCL functionality is not yet available, and these features are
planned for a release in the coming months:
 + preconditioners and QR factorization;
 + additional solvers and other algorithms, such as FFT computation;
 + structured matrices;
 + CUDA support (use OpenCL for now!);
 + advanced OpenCL integration.

Spread the word!

Toby St Clere Smithe

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