
 > Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
>> alright, this looks like the issue is with dense matrices being passed
>> to BiCGStab. Does the build work if you disable the dense matrices for
>> the iterative solvers? If so, then I think you can temporarily fix this
>> within PyViennaCL and we don't need to roll a separate ViennaCL release.
> Interesting -- I only defined iterative solver functions for dense
> matrices because I noticed that they compiled with GCC. Will let you
> know how disabling them goes.

Some forward declarations are necessary for Visual Studio, but not on 
GCC or Clang. They are available for sparse matrices, but it may well be 
that one of them is missing for dense matrices (i.e. it slipped through 
our test suite...)

Best regards,

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