
ViennaCL is again participating in the Google Summer of Code 
via the
  Computational Science and Engineering at TU Wien
organization. Project ideas and their descriptions can be found here:

For quick reference, here are the ideas in alphabetical order:
  - Benchmark GUI
  - GPU-Accelerated STL Functionality
  - Improving the PyViennaCL Python Wrapper
  - Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
  - Tuning the OpenMP backend
We are also open to custom project proposals.

If you're interested, please get in touch with us asap. Also, if you 
know of any other well-suited students, please spread the word. The 
incentives are (at least) the following:
  - Of course the salary by Google, of which USD 5500 go to the student.
  - A potential publication after successful completion of the project
  - Valuable experience in how open source projects work (soft-skill!)
  - Insight into multi- and many-core hardware (depending on the project)

Important dates:
  - Application deadline for students: March 21, 2014
  - Coding start: May 19, 2014
  - Coding stop ('pencils down'): August 18, 2014

Best regards,

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