Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
> All (or at least most...) conversion warnings (both floating point and 
> integers) are supposed to be fixed with a commit I pushed today. The 
> issue with dense types looks like one of these boundary cases where 
> Visual Studio just needs some additional love (maybe a C++03/C++11 
> issue). I'll look at it.

You know, naively, I had never anticipated how finicky compilers could
be -- or rather, how much of a PITA MSVC 9 is: diagnosing portability
bugs is an art the world would be much better without!

(And for those claims that issues like this just improve code
correctness... well, it can't be true all the time!)

Thanks for having a look :)

Toby St Clere Smithe

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