Hi Philippe,

 > What would you guys think about using some additional control over the
> iterative solvers. I've thought about:
> - Matrix-vector product policy : can be useful for "matrix-free"
> implementations.

This already works. Just overload prod() and prod_impl() accordingly for 
a user 'matrix' type. I agree that an example should be added on how to 
do this, as this has shown up several times already:

> - Custom stopping criterion

Yes. At least provide a switch between 'true residual' and 
preconditioned residual.

> - For CG, a policy for "what to do when the matrix is found to be
> indefinite (pAp < 0)

The easiest is to throw an exception.

> I've had to reimplement CG for this reason (for nonlinear truncated
> newton methods), and some others users might have had to reimplement
> them too in some other context.

1.) It would be nice to provide a callback hook which gets called after 
each iteration with the current solution vector. This can be both a 
monitor and a custom stopping criterion at the same time.

2.) A status flag which indicates whether the function exited because of 
a successful termination, or whether the maximum number of iterations 
was reached, or the solver diverged. Possibly others.

 > Can you think about any other functors one could pass for other solvers
 > such as GMRES (for which I have no knowledge)?

I can only think of very solver-specific quantities. For example, one 
can compute some estimates on the condition number from GMRES.

What makes these changes somewhat messy is the current API: With
  x = solve(A, x, solver_tag());
the only possibility to provide these customizations is to put them into 
the tag, e.g.
  cg_tag my_cg_tag;
  x = solve(a, x, my_cg_tag());
  assert( my_cg_tag.status() == VIENNACL_CG_CONVERGED );
which makes this all quite messy because the tag needs to be a 
const-reference, so all status flags and the like need to be mutable. 
This was a bad design choice... :-(

I've got a couple of improvements to CG and friends in line, so I can 
also implement these extensions as needed. Any suggestions for further 
enhancements are welcome :-)

Best regards,

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