Hi all,

This is a report on what was done so far, and what remains to be done on
the Benchmark GUI project.

Quick overview of what was done so far:
-all benchmarks implemented and runnable from the GUI
-result visualization of benchmarks
-UI menu and navigation
-CMake build system

What remains to be done:
-use on-the-fly benchmark data generation (shipping and using separate
files is currently bugged for solver benchmark in Qt5 release mode, but
works in debug mode - the "Heisenbug")
-threaded benchmarks (waiting for the "Heisenbug" work-around)
-merge Qt4 and Qt5 CMake files into a single CMakeLists.txt file
-basic view (still trying to design a simple and appealing UI)
-expert view (gonna need some info on what to put into the expert view)
-benchmark execution animation (ready/running/finished)
-user input of benchmark matrices (custom sizes, matrix market)
-home screen design (thought it might be nice to have a home/welcome
screen, but have no idea what to put in it :D suggestions highly needed on
this one)
-benchmark result upload (will use JSON format; Qt5 has native support for
JSON, Qt4 will require a third-party library)
-additional features of my proposal: My Results and Online Result Database
(My Results won't be a problem, Online Result Database could be tricky)
-collecting sample results for comparison (first need to establish a
formula for determining final benchmark score)

That's all I can think of, hope I didn't miss anything.

The UI development is going a bit slower than I anticipated. Styling and
customizing Qt's widget behavior isn't very straight-forward. Until now,
I've only dealt with stock widgets, so styling them is new to me (then
again, lots of things are new to me in this project).

So far I'm very satisfied with the development flow. My proposal's timeline
was very loose, and the project is going ahead of schedule.

I've pushed the initial design of UI menu to GitHub. From now on I'll be
needing community feedback and suggestions on the design. Here's a quick
screenshot for those who can't afford to build and run it on their machine:

My original design idea was to make a futuristic, Star Wars/Star Trek
themed UI. Luckily, the Qt widgets weren't very co-operative. I say luckily
because it would probably be very cheesy and highly inappropriate. So I
decided on a more conventional UI. I must admit I did "borrow" some ideas
from Qt Creator IDE (I really like Qt Creator).

I think that's about enough typing for one email. :)

Best Regards,
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