Hi Namik,

 > I'd like to send a big thanks to Karl and Philippe for the positive GSoC
> final evaluation mark.
> And a big thanks to everyone for helping me with my project.
> Also, congrats to Toby for successfully completing his GSoC project.

thanks, Namik! Congratulations on successfully completing the GSoC 
project. I hope you got a good insight in how open source projects are 
done and how much fun it could be (although at some point one also needs 
to make sure 'things get done' by dealing with not-so-much fun stuff).

> It's been a great experience and a pleasure to work with you guys. I
> plan to continue working on the Benchmark GUI, at least until it's in a
> respectable shape. I'd also like to offer my help if you plan on making
> the benchmark result website a reality. Of course, I won't be as active
> as I was during GSoC.

The important next step is to finalize the first release. I don't think 
there's much left to be done feature-wise, now it's mostly a matter of 
cleaning up and packaging. We hope to have you with us not only for this 
step, but also for the later future. The central idea of GSoC is to grow 
the community of open source projects, so we're hoping and encourage you 
to stay with us to the extent possible considering your other 
constraints such as course work.

> Also, there's one thing still unclear to me. What about documentation?
> Was I supposed to have written it by now? Or was the plan to start
> writing it after the final evaluations, and upload it to Melange
> together with my code sample once it's done? And in what format/style
> should the documentation be written?

In your case the documentation part wasn't that urgent, because the GUI 
is mainly a matter of fusing available functionality from ViennaCL 
together. The two 'TODOs' with respect to documentation are:

  - Document the source code using Doxygen-style comments, just like in 
the ViennaCL source tree. Ideally, this is done right when writing code, 
because then any assumptions on function arguments are clear.

  - Write a user manual on how the GUI works (including some 
screenshots, etc.). This last part, however, should be written right 
before the release in order make sure that the screen shots are up-to-date.

Best regards,

Slashdot TV.  
Video for Nerds.  Stuff that matters.
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