Hi Karli,

Just to give you an intro:
I work in speech recognition, with C/C++ toolkits like HTK and Kaldi. We
have added some of our own libraries to these codebases maintained
internally at McGill. I am also familiar with Python, Perl, Bash and CUDA.
I use a Python wrapper called Gnumpy (wrapped around a CUDA matrix library
called CUDAMat) to train neural networks on GPU boards routinely. I use
Linear Algebra in my work routinely.

I had a very nice conversation with Philippe on IRC who mentioned that
there are some issues with GEMV in PyViennaCL. Since I am familiar with
Gnumpy I could look into that. Philippe also mentioned that the current
implementation of the SVD is a bit slow. I could profile that, and start
from there. If necessary start with a newer implementation and see if I get
any better. I was also recently working with the Generalized SVD. As of the
70's the GSVD was developed for N=2 matrices. Recently a group at Utah has
developed it for three or more matrices :http://www.alterlab.org/HO_GSVD/.
N=2 matrices case is based off the QR decomposition, for N>2 a QR
decomposition based method is not that straightforward. But given their
current (non-QR) solution I could try and implement that.

Do these sound like good things to start with?

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