Hi Charles,

 > I am working on writing some additional opencl kernels (potentially to
> incorporate in to viennacl) which involve column-wise reductions.  A
> simple case would simply be the sum of each column of a matrix.
> However, I am having an extremely difficult time getting my kernel
> correct (reductions are tricky to me).  That said, after searching for
> some resources I came across an old post on sourceforge referring to
> column-wise kernels
> (http://sourceforge.net/p/viennacl/mailman/message/27542552/) with
> viennacl.  This leads me to my primary question.
> Are there such kernels already in ViennaCL that I have overlooked?

Yes ;-) Have a look here at how row-wise sums reduce to a standard 
matrix-vector product:

That is, in order to compute a row-sum and a column-sum you can use
  row_sum = prod(A, ones);
  col_sum = prod(trans(A), ones);

In an hour or two I will push convenience functions for summation fixing 
the only remaining issue for the 1.7.0 release:

> If not, are there any examples or resources you would recommend to help
> learn this topic?  I have tried searching further but the only thing I
> can really find is a reduction of an entire matrix (which is relatively
> simple) as opposed to by column or row.

At this point I can only recommend to think about how such operations 
can be recast in terms of (standard) linear algebra. For example, row- 
and column-wise updates to a matrix are special cases of the more general
  A += outer_prod(u, v);
operation (rank-1 updates). I'll improve the documentation in that 

Best regards,

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