Hi Charles,

 > I know the intent is to remove boost from viennacl.  As such, I was
> looking at some files I could contribute to that removal.  That said,
> before I start blindly making changes, is there a plan for how to
> replace elements such as `boost::numeric::ublas::prod`?

Well, the ViennaCL core is mostly free from uBLAS already. By 'mostly' I 
mean all the parts that are fully supported for all three backends. The 
experimental eigenvalue routines that are only available for the OpenCL 
backend are the major exception. I don't recommend anybody to start 
there, because this requires the most knowledge of ViennaCL's internals 
to be migrated.

> Is the intent to just use std objects such as
> std::vector<std::vector<SCALARTYPE> > and doing a manual matrix
> multiplication?
> Or do you intend to use another library?

Given that the stable core is already uBLAS free (or at least 95%), the 
major work is to ditch uBLAS from the examples and tests. Many of the 
examples no longer need uBLAS, because the functionality is available in 
ViennaCL. This is the major effort in terms of lines of code touched, 
but it shouldn't be too hard. If something cannot be expressed directly 
with ViennaCL, a STL-type should be used (std::vector, 
std::vector<std::vector<T> >, etc.)

Hope this helps a bit :-)

Thanks and best regards,

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