On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 03:42:16PM +0700, Nhan Thanh Le wrote:
> Dear Cac Bac,
>       Ca'c ba'c co' bie^'t website na`o tho^'ng ke^ ve^` tri`nh tra.ng stable
> cu?a cac distrubition of linux kho^ng? Theo kinh nghiem cua ca'c bac
> thi` Distribution na`o la` chay on dinh nhat. Em can su*. dda'nh gia'
> du*.a tre^n mo^.t so^' tie^u chi' sau:
>   1. Application cha.y o^?n ddi.nh.
>   2. Network infrastructure: NFS & Samba file sharing.
> Mong ca'c Ba'c cho em va`i y' kie^'n Ca?m o*n ca'c Ba'c nhie^`u. 

chu+a tha^'y ai le^n tie^'ng ne^n pha?i tranh thu? no'i ngay,
one word: slackware ;)

- about debian:
21:39 rhs: apt-get install mozilla-firefox
21:40 rhs: 110 upgraded, 64 newly installed, 12 to remove and 971 not
           upgraded. :)
21:40 rhs: all I want is the damn browser...where is foobar? :)

 / V \
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