On 16:56 Fri 30 Jul, you wrote:
> Xin cha`o ca? nha`,
> Vi` ca^u ho?i ho+i da`i, so+. la`m phie^`n nhie^`u 
> ngu+o+`i ne^n em ddu+a le^n forum. Mong ca'c ba'c 
> giu'p ddo+~ cho!
> http://www.vnlinux.org/forum.cgi?fid=07&topic_id=1091181131
> Xin ca?m o+n tru+o+'c
> -- 
> hoalu


Ddoa'n mo` thui vi` /me chu+a bao gio+` vie^'t program na`o dde^? access
serial port ca? (ngu+o+.ng qua' :D ), nhung hi`nh nhu+ ba'c thu+? open
file ba(`ng 

fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);

thay vi`

fd = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY)

Good luck,

Note to self: ddi kie^'m ca'i US Robotic Modem :)

Will code for an Onyx 4 Extreme

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