On Friday 30 July 2004 5:51 pm, Nguyen Thanh Bien wrote:
> On Saturday 31 July 2004 04:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > O^'i gio+`i! Sao ti`m ma~i cha(?ng tha^'y OOorg dda^u the^'? hehe
> apt-get install openoffice-en
> > Cha? tha^'y  mc dda^u ca? tu+'c bo? bu.
> apt-get install mc
> > Ho?i nho? :
> > La`m sao ca`i tha(`ng vim va`o? Ca'i origine cu?a no' khi nha^'n [i]
> > (insert) no' co'c cho la`m, cu+' nu~ng ni.u hoa`i!
> no' kho^ng hie^.n chu+~ Insert o+? cuo^'i ma`n hi`nh dda^u ba'c a., nhu+ng
> va^~n cha.y ngo.n (nhie^`u tha(`ng unix: *bsd,SunOS, HP-UX cu~ng dde^`u
> kho^ng hie^.n ma`)
> Cha'u ddang install the^m mo^.t ddo^'ng nu+~a coi the^' na`o, nhu+ng dde^'n
> acroread (Acrobat Reader) thi` kho^ng cha.y, conflig lung tung, --force
> cu~ng kho^ng ddu+o+.c (kho^ng pha?i do dependancy)

La`m thu+? nhu+ng :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] yos # apt-get install mc
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package mc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] yos # apt-get install openoffice-en
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package openoffice-en
[EMAIL PROTECTED] yos # apt-get update
Err ftp://us2.yoper.com version2 release
  Temporary failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Err ftp://us2.yoper.com version2/os pkglist
  Temporary failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Err ftp://us2.yoper.com version2/os release
  Temporary failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Err ftp://us2.yoper.com version2/os srclist
  Temporary failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Failed to fetch 
ftp://us2.yoper.com/pub/linux/yoper/yoper/version2/base/release  Temporary 
failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Failed to fetch 
ftp://us2.yoper.com/pub/linux/yoper/yoper/version2/base/pkglist.os  Temporary 
failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Failed to fetch 
ftp://us2.yoper.com/pub/linux/yoper/yoper/version2/base/release.os  Temporary 
failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Failed to fetch 
ftp://us2.yoper.com/pub/linux/yoper/yoper/version2/base/srclist.os  Temporary 
failure resolving 'us2.yoper.com'
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
W: Release files for some repositories could not be retrieved or 
authenticated. Such repositories are being ignored.
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones 
used instead.

Ti`m no' o+? dda^u?
m k h _ s g n

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