Tran Tuan wrote:

Le Thanh Phong wrote:

Tran Tuan wrote:

Ca'c ba'c co' ai tham gia mo'c ngheo'u trong ca'i du+. a'n 13 ti? ru+o+~i na`y kho^ng va^.y?

Ho^?ng bie^'t co' ca'i chi chi trong ddo' ma` to^'n to+'i nga^`n ddo' tie^`n??? Ma'y mo'c cha('c la` ngon la`nh la('m dda^y.

Hix, nha^'p vo^ ca'i ba?n do^` tru+.c tuye^'n ca'i no' ra the^' na`y ne` ... :(

The requested URL could not be retrieved

Ca'c ba'c tha^'y dduoc the^' la` may la('m. To^i chi? tha^'y 404! O^i 13.5B!!!!

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Co' ma^'y ngu+o+`i trong bo.n ta dde^`u tha`nh ta^m tha`nh y' mo` vo^ Ca'i Cu+?a Co^?ng ddo', ma` ai cu~ng report ra(`ng chi? tha^'y could not be retrieved, 404! O^i 13.5B, refused, vv, thi` no' la`m ca'i chu+'c na(ng gi` the^' nhi?? Va^.y co' the^? ddoa'n gia` ddoa'n non ra(`ng, tinh hi`nh ai-ti o+? Ha` Tha`nh cu~ng la.nh le~o la('m, phe na`o cho^.p ddu+o+.c du+. a'n thi` ddo'ng . . . co^?ng tha^.t ky~ ngo^`i la`m thi.t vo+'i nhau, kho^ng cho ai nghi'a ca?. Buo^`n 5 phu't.

m k h _ s g n

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