Ui gio+`i ui, sao anh la.i ghi la` "Ãng Phám Thanh Long". Em mo+'i co'
20 tuo^?i. Nghe "khie^'p" qua' :)
Ddo+.t tru+o+'c em co`n co' ke^' hoa.ch di.ch manual cho KDE co+.
Nhu+ng ba^.n qua'. Hi vo.ng la` so+'m co' the^? tie^'p tu.c ke?o la.i
mang ti^'ng... :(
Nhu+ng ma` ma^'y ca'i vu. "co+~ vu+`a" nhu+ the^' na`y thi` em luo^n
sa(~n sa`ng.

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 17:15:10 +0700, Vu Do Quynh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pham Thanh Long a Ãcrit :
> >A^'y, em dda~ he^'t y' kie^'n ddaau... Mo+`i ba'c xem ba`i na`y:
> >
> >http://ngonngu.net/diendan/viewtopic.php?p=415#415
> >
> >Gio.ng ddie^.u kho^ng ddu+o+.c nhe. nha`ng la('m vi` em quen nhu+
> >the^' ro^`i... Nhu+ng kho^ng co' y' xa^'u gi` dda^u, mong ba'c hie^?u
> >cho em.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> <>
> >>
> >> http://c3ld.vn.refer.org/article.php3?id_article=21
> >>
> Ca'm o+n anh Long. To^i dda~ tie^'p thu to`an bo^. y' kie^'n va` dda~
> su+?a la^`n thu+' ba\. Version mo+'i dda~ ddu+o+.c ddu+a le^n ma.ng
> cu~ng ta.i ddi.a chi? nhu+ cu~.
> Nhu+~ng lo^~i kie^?u "o.ai" "ho.at" , thu+.c te^' la` khi du`ng UNIKEY
> 3.6 vo+'i OpenOffice Writer 1.1.2 trong Win98SE, thi` va(n ddu+o+.c
> vie^'t nhu+ the^' ma` to^i la.i que^n su+?a !
> Hy vo.ng la^`n na`y dda~ o^?n. ;-)
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Phám ThÃnh Long

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