Larry Nguyen wrote:

Ne^'u pha?i mua the^m mo^.t ca'i PC dde^? la`m soft router thi` gia?i pha'p hardware router kinh te^' ho+n ;)

hypoj dda~ co' dual-homed gw box. He could use this box, 2 for DSL va` 1
for LAN. Ne^'u ca^`n 2 for LANs, mua the^m ca'i NIC, $15. :)

Plus, xa`i ddo^` Linux thi` co`n co' ca? kho^'i resource, options one could
use. Ca'i ddie^?m kho' la` co' bie^'t la`m hay kho^ng? :) Xa`i ddo^`
commercial thi` you will get stuck with what they have.


Chi'nh va^.y, mi`nh ddi.nh du`ng ca'i FC2 box co' sa(~n, ca('m the^m ca'i NIC be`o va`o cha.y tho^i, HW thi` khoe? nhu+ng hao dda.n la('m :-P

Mi`nh khoa'i xa`i ddo^` linux vi` khi bi' (thu+`o+`ng xa?y ra la('m) la` co' ca? ti? docs dde^? tham kha?o, va` co' ML dde^? xin xu !!

Viva Tux !! Ca'm o+n ca'c ba'c.

Microsoft is not the answer, it is the question. The answer is NO!!!

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