On 5:54:31 pm 10/22/04 maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All!
> Ca`i le^n /dev/hda8 cho.n bootloader dda(.t o+? root ta.i sao
> lilo.conf no' cu+' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda?

Trong lilo.conf no' ghi la` boot=/dev/hda? hay boot=/dev/hda8 ba'c?
Khi ca`i bootloader, ba'c ne^n cho.n /dev/hda (Master boot record cu?a
ddi~a cu+'ng) nhu+ hi`nh trong bu+o+'c so^' 5 tu+` 
http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/huongdan.pdf  Cha'u nghi la` ba'c cho.n /dev/hdax (boot 
sector cu?a vu`ng ddi~a) == 0 ddu'ng.

> Su+?a la.i boot=/dev/hda8 , root=/dev/hda8 (roi mount -o bind, ro^`i
> cha.y  /sbin/lilo) ma` va^~n dden thui kho^ng nhu'c nhi'ch.
> Co' ba.n na`o bi. kho^ng?

Cha'u cu~ng mo+'i ca`i la.i vi` nghe Tua^'n bi. va^'n dde^`. lilo cu?a
cha'u 0 sao ca?. Ba^y gio+` la` ca'ch ba'c su+?a la.i.

Gia? su+? ba'c vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^"ng /dev/hda8. Du`ng vnlinuxCD boot
ma'y le^n, to+'i ca'i prompt, hit Enter dde^? boot ma'y.  Sau khi va`o
gnome, launch gnome-terminal, go~ su, password la` root. Go~ "mount --bind
/mnt/hda8/boot  /boot".  Go~ "lilo -C /mnt/hda8/etc/lilo.conf -v" Hy vo.ng
tre^n ma`n hi`nh 0 ba'o lo^~i gi` ngoa`i nhu+~ng tho^ng tin dduoc
the^m/ddo.c tu+` lilo.conf

Hi`nh minh ho.a http://vnlinuxcd.vnlinux.org/fix-lilo.gif

Ba'c nho+' thay ddo^?i /mnt/hda8 vo+'i /mnt/hdax vo+'i x la` ca'i partition
ba.n vu+`a ca`i vnlinuxCD xuo^'ng. 



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