Pha?i ca^?n tha^.n khi ta?i ca'c go'i tu+` ca'c kho yum ve^` vi`
co' khi go'i cu?a kho yum na`y kho^ng tu+o+ng thi'ch vo+'i ca'c
go'i o+? kho kha'c (freshrpms va` lvn hay co' conflict). 

DDe^? gia?m thie^?u tho+`i gian cho vie^.c update tu+`ng ma'y trong ma` kho^ng pha?i thie^'t la^.p mo^.t yum server, chu'ng ta co'
the^? chi? ddi.nh mo^.t ma'y chi'nh dde^? chu+'a headers va` rpms 
ro^`i cho ta^'t ca? ca'c ma'y kha'c trong  NFS mount
/var/cache/yum cu?a ma'y chi'nh.  yum update tre^n ma'y
chi'nh se~ to^'n thi` gio+` nhu+ng yum update tre^n ca'c ma'y co`n
la.i tre^n se~ nhanh ho+n nhie^`u vi` kho^ng pha?i download
ca'c go'i headers va` rpms.


--- Cao Van Khanh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Em co' ddo.c mo^.t ba`i vie^'t ta.o yum server cu?a FEDORA cho rie^ng
> mi`nh
> ( No^.i dung ba`i vie^'t kha' da`i , em cha('c la` mo.i ngu+o+`i
> trong
> mailinglist dde^`u dda~ ddo.c ca? ne^'u ai quan ta^m em co' the^?
> Gu+?i la.i
> ) . Va^'n dde^` ba^y gio+` cu?a em muo^'n la` server cu?a em la`m sao
> dde^?
> Tu+. Do^.ng connect vo+'i ca'c kho yum kha'c , down load nhu+~ng go'i
> tin
> mo+'i ve^` . Em tha^'y vie^.c la`m na`y ra^'t thie^'t thu+.c cho
> mo^.t nho'm
> , mo^.t to^? Chu+'c hay co^ng ty muo^n xa`i Fedora la`m mo^i tru+o+`n
> pha't
> trie^?n cha(?ng ha(.n , tuy nhie^n vie^.c update qua tu+`ng
> ma'y mo^.t
> ra^'t ma^'t tho+`i gian va` la^u .
> Ne^'u ta du`ng mo^.t ma'y la`m server nhu+ va^.y thi` ca'c ma'y kha'c
> chi?
> Ca^`n hu+o+'ng ve^` no' la` xong .
> Mong mo.i ngu+o+`i cho y' kie^'n . 
> Hie^.n nay ca'c Distro lo+'n dde^`u co' ca'c phu+o+ng thu+'c update
> qua
> , vie^.c na`y ra^'t to^'t cho ngu+o+`i su+? . Tuy nhie^n
> mo.i
> ngu+o+`i co' the^? cho dda'nh gia' ve^` ma(.t ca^.p nha^.p ca'c go'i
> tin
> mo+'i cu?a ca'c loa.i distro hay kho^ng ? Rie^ng ca' nha^n em thi`
> tha^'y
> yum cu~ng kha' to^'t , tuy nhie^n vo+'i yum cho Fedora thi` ca'c go'i
> tin
> ho+i i't , ca^.p nha^.p chu+a ddu+o+.c latest la('m .
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