Cha`o ca'c ba'c,
Tui co' vie^'t mo^.t ca'i chu+o+ng tri`nh kie^?m lo^~i chi'nh ta? cho
tie^'ng Vie^.t. No' bu+., cha^.m, ngo^'n ram, ngo^'n cpu, cha.y kho^ng
chi'nh xa'c, la.i kho' xa`i. No'i chung la` bu+o+?i.
DDang pha^n va^n kho^ng bie^'t co' ne^n release source kho^ng. Ne^'u
ba'c na`o ma'u me chuye^.n vspell, muo^'n *develop* tie^'p thi` tui se~


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