On Thursday 16 December 2004 11:38 am, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> Ra^'t buo^`n tre^n list co' ga^`n 400 ngu+o+`i sign up, ma` chi? co' 4
> ngu+o+`i tham gia vie^.c di.ch thua^.t :(
> Tho^i thi` co' bao nhie^U dda'nh ba^'y nhie^u :) Thanks again nhu+~ng ba.n
> dda~/se~ tham gia.

ta'n go'p:
Buo^`n ddu'ng la('m.
Nhu+ng tu+o+i le^n, vi` Pcloud se~ ke'o qua^n dde^'n dda'nh gi'up ngay cho ma` 
coi. Qua^n ddo^ng la('m, to+'i va`i chu.c la^.n, la.i ra^'t co' ky? lua^.t!

m k h _ s g n

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