> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [Vietlug] [Fwd: Hoi ve mang BootRom!]
> Date: Sunday 17 July 2005 07:28 am
> From: Le Thi Hieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>       Cha'u tha^'y cu+.c ki` kho' hie^?u luo^n. DDe^?
> cha'u tie^'p tu.c nghie^n cu+'u. Cha'u dda~ co' mo^.t
> con rom dde^? nghi.ch ro^`i.
>       Ne^'u cha'u xa`i linux thi` ca'c ma'y client co'
> the^? cha.y he^. ddie^`u ha`nh windows kho^ng a.?

Ne^'u ba.n du`ng Linux la`m terminal server thi` ca'c diskless client se~
cha.y Linux. Co' le~ tru+` khi ba.n du`ng vmware/qemu cha.y Windows tre^n
Linux terminal server thi` ca'c client *co' the^?* cha.y Win Tru+o+'c he^'t
ba.n ne^n cho Linux terminal server va` ca'c client cha.y ca'i dda~ ro^`i
ti'nh chuye^.n muo^'n cha.y Win tre^n client sau. Nhu+ng ne^'u muo^'n cha.y
client vo+'i Win thi` du`ng Win server cho ro^`i :)


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