Hi ca'c ba'c developers,

Vu+`a ro^`i tre^n forum co' mo^.t ba.n ho?i co' pha^`n me^`m na`o cho phe'p
bo? ddoa.n text va`o ro^`i no' no'i la.i cho mi`nh nghe. Co' tha^'y
FreeTTS. DDa~ la^u mi`nh 0 du`ng festival va` sphynx nhu+ng nho+' no' cu~ng
co' ti'nh na(ng na`y.

FreeTTS la` java client/server nhu+ng ra^'t tie^'c no' chi? la` CUI. Ba'c
na`o sie^ng :) na.p ca'i GUI (dda.i kha'i la` ca'i input box dde^? copy
text va`o, nha^'n nu't speak thi` no' se~ no'i) nhi`n cho no' tha^?m my~
cho newbies ho+n.  


/me ddang lie^'c Casper :) Bie^'t dda^u khi la`m xong ddi gu+?i du+. thi
tri' tue^. chi ddo' se~ ddu+o+.c gia?i :P Just joking.


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