Hi List!

Lu'c mo+'i vu+`a ca`i xong Kororaa-2005 (va` va`i distro kha'c nu+~a), thi` 
KMAIL du`ng to^'t, sau khi configure xong la` gu+?i/nha^.n email thoa?i ma'i. 
Nhu+ng sau mot tho+`i gian xu+? du.ng (tuy kho^ng thay ddo^?i gi` trong 
Setting/Configure Kmail) thi` mo^~i la^`n boot ma'y kho+?i dda^`u phie^n la`m 
vie^.c, ne^'u nha^'n nu't Check mail In ro^`i ddie^`n passwd la` bi. tra? 
lo+`i "unknown mailserver". Pha?i reboot ma'y thi` Kmail mo+`i la.i hoa.t 
ddo^.ng bi`nh thu+o`ng (gu+?i/nha^.n email ba(`ng ADSL OK).

Xin ho?i ca'c ba.n :

1/ Ta.i sao co' hie^.n tu+o+.ng na`y va` ca'ch kha('c phu.c?
2/ Ta.i sao tho+`i gian dda^`u kho^ng bi. (chu+`ng 1 tua^`n) ma` ve^` sau 
mo+'i bi.? Virus co' the^? ga^y ra ha^.u qua. na`y kho^ng trong Linux?
m k h _ s g n
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