Hi all,

Hy vo.ng ca'c ba'c dda~ xo+i ba'nh chu+ng no ne^. It's time to work :)

Trang web vo+'i tho^ng tin pho`ng lab cu?a ca'c em ho.c sinh co' the^? xem
ta.i http://www.vnlinux.org/livecd/wikka.php?wakka=StudentLabInVietnam

Nho+` ca'c ba'c ddo.c ro^`i go'p y' ca^u cu' du`m. Co' the^? vie^'t nghe 0
ddu+o+.c xuo^ng tai cho la('m.

Ho^m qua ngo^`i test pxe mo+'i cho+.t nho+' ra, ma'y laptop ddi.nh su+?
du.ng se~ 0 the^? boot tu+` card ma.ng ne^n ca'ch duy nha^'t se~ su+? du.ng
la` boot tu+` floppy hay CD vo+'i etherboot image dda~ co' sa(~n. 

Ngo^`i nghi~ va^.y ne^n ho+i tie^'c va` tha^`m nghi~ ne^'u ddu+o+.c se~ mua
luo^n laptop chie^'n ho+n (~ $500) Di~ nhie^n mo.i vie^.c se~ tu`y thuo^.c
va`o va^'n dde^` go'p quy~ ddu+o+.c bao nhie^u.

2 bu+o+'c ra^'t quan tro.ng co`n la.i la` vie^'t/di.ch tai` lie^.u hu+o+'ng
da^~n su+? du.ng (se~ vie^'t theo kie^?u SchoolTool nhu+ DHMinh va` G TT
dda~ thu+.c hie^.n) va` testing vnlinuxEDU. Vi` ly' do na`y, phie^n ba?n
chi'nh thu+'c cu?a vnlinuxEDU se~ do+`i la.i nga`y pha't ha`nh.

Du+. a'n pho`ng lab du+. ddi.nh se~ hoa`n tha`nh va`o tha'ng 8, 2006. We
have lotsa time to prepare for a successful setup.


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