On Sunday 12 March 2006 23:48, Larry Nguyen wrote:
> On 4:55:17 am 03/12/06 maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 12 March 2006 14:15, Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:
> > >  On 3/12/06, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >  Nha^n tie^.n post mo^.t ca^u ho?i : Boot Kororaa (gentoo based)
> > > >  no' tra^`m nga^m o+? do`ng na.p eth0 ho+i la^u (vi` pha?i xa`i
> > > >  eth1 mo+'i ddu'ng). La`m sao delete le^.nh na.p eth0? Ti`m trong
> > > >  file na`o ? Ta.i sao chay #systemconfig ro^`i, no' OK cho
> > > >  connect, ma` kho^ng save configuration na`y ddu+o+.c?
> > >
> > >  Cha'u ddoa'n la` eth0 cu~ng du`ng DHCP, no' tra^`m nga^m la` search
> > >  dhcp tho^i. Khi na`o timeout thi` no' mo+'i nha^?y sang eth1.
> > >
> > >  Ba^y gio+` ba'c set eth0 va` eth1 la` static thi` he^'t tra^`m
> > > nga^m ngay.
> > >  Set static the^' na`o thi` dde^? ma^'y cao thu? hu+o+'ng da^~n ba'c
> > >  cho nhanh, hie^.n gio+` cha'u kho^ng co' gentoo trong tay ne^n cha?
> > >  la`m gi` ddu+o+.c :-)
> >
> > Vi` tha^'y lu'c boot va^~n co`n va`i tho^ng ba'o lo^~i (kho^ng bie^'t
> > ca'ch ghi la.i dde^? post va`o dda^y) ne^n mi`nh lie^`n mo+? chie^'n
> > di.ch ta?o thanh trong /etc/init.d
> > he^~ nhi`n tha^'y tha(`ng "eth0" na`o o+? ba^'t cu+' dda^u lie^`n
> > ca?i dda.o no' tha`nh "eth1" :)
> > va` tie^.n the^? cu~ng bu+'ng luo^n 7 ca'i link tu+` "@eth0" dde^'n
> > "@eth6"
> > ro^`i sau ddo' la`m mo^.t ca'i "gogo.sh" co' no^.i dung la` :
> > #!/bin/sh
> > modprobe 3c59x
> > ifconfig eth1
> > dhcpcd eth1
> >
> > Reboot thi` he^'t tro^ng tha^'y tho^ng ba'o lo^~i. Va`o root cha.y
> > ca'i gogo.sh la` OK connect.
> >
> > DDa'ng le~ dda(.t gogo.sh la` file dkss.sh mo+'i ddu'ng :)
> Ne^'u ba'c 0 muo^'n eth0 load lu'c kho+?i ddo^.ng ba'c chi? vie^.c ta('t
> no' ddi
> rc-update del net.eth0 default
> -Larry

Hie^.n gio+` thi` eth0 dda~ ddu+o+.c ta('t khi kho+?i ddo^.ng ro^`i (kho^ng 
pha?i ba(`ng do`ng le^.nh). Nhu+ng eth1 la.i pha?i na.p ba(`ng tay sau khi 
hoa`n ta^'t tie^'n tri`nh boot  (!)

Ca^u ho?i la` :
* la`m sao ba^.t eth1?
* tru+o+'c khi ba^.t eth1, co' the^? ba^.t script firewall le^n kho^ng? Le^.nh 
na`o dde^? link no' va`o /etc/init.d (vi` tha^'y hi`nh thu+'c cu?a link ho+i 
kha'c so vo+'i trong Debian co' so^' u+u tie^n ke`m theo)

Hehe, go~ thu+? #rc-update add eth1 default
thi` bi. ba'o "kho^ng co' eth1".

Go~ thu+? #rc-update /home/deb/gogo.sh
thi` bi. ba'o * /sbin/rc-update: at least two arguments expected after "add".

Pha?i dda(.t ma^'y ca'i na`y o+? cho^~ na`o cho no' do`m tha^'y ma` add he`?

m k h _ s g n
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