Em ti'nh mua 1 con PC ma.nh mo^.t chu't cha.y thu+? Xgl xem the^'
na`o, nha^n tie^.n quay la.i vo.c Linux tie^'p. Ye^u ca^`u la`:

1. CPU 64bit Dual Core (AMD hay Intel gi` cu~ng ddu+o+.c)
2. RAM DDR2 1Gb
3. HDD SATA (II) 200Gb x 3
4. Mainboard ho^~ tro+. con CPU tre^n
5. Card video ho^~ tro+. Xgl :-)
6. Case ngon, CoolerMaster thi` nha^'t :-)
7. LCD 17" dde.p va` re? :-)

Ca'c ba'c go+.i y' cho em brand va` model cu?a ma^'y mo'n tre^n vo+'i.
La`m sao mua ddu+o+.c o+? HCMC la` to^'t nha^'t. Co' gia' luo^n thi`
tuye^.t vo+`i :-) Em chi? co' $1,000 tho^i.

Ca'm o+n ca'c ba'c,


P.S.: Ba'c maikhai cha('c xung phong giu'p dda^`u tie^n :-)

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