1. Games va` ...FOSS:
Ne^'u ca'c ba.n "test" Grand Theft Auto - Vice City dde^'n lu'c Tommy Vercetti cu+'u ddu+o+.c Lance, Colonel Cortez ddu+a vie^.c the^m cho Tommy: "..Damn hypocrites. They spend a hundred years stealing from poor countries and they call me a..pirate..". Tre^n thu+.c te^', nha` xa~ ho^.I ho.c Michel Wievorska than tho+?: "..Today my children will get jobs maybe not as good as mine.” trong ba`i: "Can France fix the way it works?"

2. Games va` Sony's PlayStation3/Cell processor:
Kho?i ba`n the^m, nhu+ng co' the^? tin va`o lo+`i cu?a SCE President Phil Harrison : "Sony has become the market leader with PlayStation 2 sales of more than 100 million units and sales of more than a billion games.."

3. PlayStation3/Cell processor va` Linus Torvalds' kernel 2.6.16:
" Linus Torvalds released a new Linux kernel Monday that supports features in IBM's Cell processor, includes Oracle software for clustered databases and improves how the open-source operating system runs on multiprocessor systems.":

4. Cell processor va` IBM's Octopiler:
"Programmers grappling with the Cell chip--the processor behind the Playstation 3 and some high-definition TVs--can get a helping hand from IBM's new project: the Octopiler. It isn't easy to write code for Cell, with its central processing core and eight accompanying special-purpose engines. Octopiler, which IBM Research plans to outline at a tutorial next month, aims to change all that..."

Va^.y, ke^'t lua^.n la` test Linux distros va` test/pha't trie^?n games dde^`u challenging va` tro.ng dda.i nhu+ nhau! Chu+~ "F" trong ddie^?m 1, cho ta su+. tu+. do, ke^? ca? tu+. do ddo'ng go'p (test) trong kha? na(ng cu?a mi`nh! :)

From: "Manh Cuong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
To: <vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: RE: [Vietlug] Lenh trong Linux
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 02:05:56 +0900

Theo cha'u, bac nen test game trogn linux. Vua vui thu', nhie^`u khi la`m
game tester la.i co`n nhie^`u tie^`n ho+n bo.n cha'u ddi la`m quanh na(m
a^'y chu+'.
La^'y tie^`n a^'y mua ma'y xi.n ve^` ...test tie^'p, cha? Ma^'y cho^'c ma`
dda('c dda.o tha`nh ...tie^n. ^^

Ma.nh Cu`n
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of maikhai
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:17 PM
To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Lenh trong Linux

On Wednesday 15 March 2006 13:24, Hoang Tuan Quynh wrote:
> On 3/16/06, maikhai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Cha'u khuye^n ba'c ne^n ddi ho.c perl :-) Thu+? nhie^`u distro qua'
> > > cu~ng cha? co' gi` la` tha'ch thu+'c ca? :-)
> >
> > Lo+`i khuye^n tha^.t ddi'ch dda'ng. Tuy nhie^n mo^~i la~o gi`a dde^`u
> > rie^ng mo^.t ca'i "bi." ( bi. the^' na`y, ta.i bo+?i bi. the^' kia) ne^n
> > ra^'t kho'  va^ng theo.
> > Ta.m tho+`i cho.t ho.c ma^'y chie^u dde^? di du+o+~ng ti'nh ti`nh, dda^u
> > da'm mo+ to+'i chuye^.n tha'ch thu+'c vo+'i ngay ca? chi'nh mi`nh ?
> >
> > :)
> >
> > --
> > m k h _ s g n
> La^.p tri`nh thu' vi. la('m ba'c ui, ddu+`ng nga.i, co' nhie^`u cao
> thu? se~ giu'p ba'c ma` :-)
> Cho+i to+'i ddi ba'c, thu+? ma^'y ca'i distro chi? la` ma^'y vu. le?
> te?, chu+a xu+'ng vo+'i lo`ng nhie^.t huye^'t cu?a ba'c :-)
> chipheo

Mie^'ng ngon du` o+? ngay kia
Muo^`n a(n co`n  pha?i ve'n  . . . ria co+ ma` !
De^~ ngu+o+`i ma` la.i kho' ta
Co' cho+i to+'i be^'n  cu~ng la` do+~n tho^i.


m k h _ s g n

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