Hi again,

While reading the progress repot I also looked at the code of the
compiler to get a feeling for what it can and cannot do.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to go through a number of
standard phases not related to cryptography. Then there are these
three phases:

* Checking of annotations for open() calls -- I think this is part of
  the analysis in DefiniteAssignment.java.

* Hoistability check which looks for I/O or assignments to public
  variables in the branches of if-statements.

* Conditional expansion where if-statements are turned into
  conditional assignments. Loops are also detected in the branches.

I found no support for

* Making things run in parallel (the word "parallel" does not occur at
  all in the source code).

* Bounds checking when the protocol needs inputs to be smaller than
  the field size (needed in comparisons and new Paillier two-player

* Counting multiplications and other stuff for preprocessing.

I could easily have overlooked things -- it's not easy to get an
overview of 14,261 lines of Java code :-)

Is this status summary true? I'm posting it so that we have something
to discuss from when talking about what we want to do in the future.

Martin Geisler
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

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