Daer Jason,

You certainly have a "false" string there. Try changing them for new  
ones, one at the time and see what happends.
This is a very usual problem with gut strings. Not all of them a  
really "true". Try Nylgut, they are quite precise in tuning and sound  
really similar to gut.
I hope this helps you,

On 6-apr-2006, at 5:31, Jason Ferry wrote:

> Hi, I have recently purchased a baroque guitar. It is
> strung in gut with wound basses. I have decided to try
> bourdons on both 4th and 5th courses. However, I am
> having problems keeping the two strings on the 4th
> course in tune. More specifically, while the strings
> are in tune when played openly, as I move up the
> fretboard they progressively go out of tune. At the
> eighth fret the bourdon is substantially flatter than
> the octave gut string, and of course if I tune them at
> one of the high courses then they are out of tune when
> played as open strings. Has anyone had this
> experience, and any suggestions on what is causing it
> - perhaps defective strings?
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