There is a passage in Campion's Traite d'

   accompangement (p.19) which reads

   Elle (the guitar) a par dessus les autres la facilite du transport & du
   toucher, & par-dessus le Theorbe, les Parties d'accompagnement non
   renversees, par consequent plus chantantes.

   which I would translate

   The guitar is, compared to other instruments, easy to transport and
   easy to play, and unlike the theorbo, the accompanying parts are not
   reversed and are therefore more like the voice parts.

   I think that what Campion means by this is that the guitar doesn't have
   the first and second courses tuned down an octave like the theorbo, so
   that the accompanying parts will be in the right order on the
   instrument above the bass part instead of being in the wrong order as
   on the theorbo.

   But I wondered whether there anyone who is a native French speaker
   and/or plays the theorbo would agree with that interpretation?



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