It's from Strabo's Geographika, Strabo in turn attributes the story to Timaeos. 
I only have a German translation, a websearch for "Eunomos" will probably yield 
what you are looking for.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Monica Hall" <>
To: "Vihuelalist" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 31 August, 2010 10:57:45 PM
Subject: [VIHUELA] Euonimo and Aristonus

   Is there anyone familiar with Classical litereature who know of the
   story of Euonimo.   Apparently he was competing with Ariston playing
   the cithara and broke a string (it happens to the best of us).  The
   Gods (all of them?) sent a Cicada (presumably a sort of silkworm) which
   produced such a wonderful string that he won the competition and a
   statue was erected to him.

   Does anyone know where the story comes from?




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