I take your point - although it was an internet site that purported to be of Dutch/English dictionaries and the terms I put in were taken from another Dutch/English dictionary site - so they must be the same in German. I'll try again.

<  Are they not to some extent interchangeable?

Auch, that hurt!

Sorry about that! I can tell you another funny (I hope) story. An English woman and her family were living in the Netherlands and she wrote an interesting article about life there for the newpaper. About the language she said "Dutch is really the same as English - it is just that you spell it in a funny way".


I suppose it was the inimitable Oscar Wilde who said something to the
extent that Britain and the United States were two nations divided by
a common language. You can be certain the division between the Dutch
and the German, let alone the division between their languages, is
incomparably bigger. Anyway, looking up the definition of a Dutch word
in a German dictionary would certainly not be deemed socially
acceptable, let alone proper scholarly behaviour.

David - for the less observant persons on this list: this was a
message with a ;-)

David van Ooijen

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