Hello, Monica!
   These and many other lute and guitar tablatures were returned in 1993
   to the Lobkowicz family, from whom they were confiscated by the Nazis,
   and then the Communists.  Some sources say they are stored at the
   Lobkowicz castle in Nelahozeves (RISM: CZ-Nrlk).  But since have been
   moved to the Lobkowicz Palace in Prague.  Availability reportedly seems
   to be limited.  For lute and guitar tablatures in the Czech Republic,
   see [1]http://baroque-lute.webnode.cz/loutnove-sborniky/   The list is
   cut off, so read it with "Print Preview" or with Word, or "read view."
   The Lobkowicz tablatures are those formerly in Prague state libraries
   with shelf numbers with II XLb, II Kk, II Ka, II La
   I could find no references to online copies of the two mss you seek,
   Monica.  The LSA Microfilm Library has LXb 209.
   See http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~lsa/publications/LSA_Lib_Catalog.txt
   Arthur Ness
   -----Original Message-----
   From: mjlhall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
   To: VihuelaList <vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Thu, Jul 20, 2017 5:34 am
   Subject: [VIHUELA] Manuscripts XL b.209 and XL b.211
   These two manuscripts of baroque guitar music XL b 209 /XL b 211 are in
   the Narodni Muzeum in Prague I believe. I have a not very legible
   print out of both of them but the pages are unnumbered and it is not
   clear which manuscript is which or even whether the pages are in the
   right order. The original manuscripts have a lot of blank pages which
   may not be included in the pagination.I wondered if anyone has a pdf of
   either or both of them or even a list of contents with the correct page
   numbers. I tried checking the libraries web page but as it is all in
   Czech didn't get very far.
   Any assistence would be assisted.
   To get on or off this list see list information at



   1. http://baroque-lute.webnode.cz/loutnove-sborniky/
   2. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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