The latest issue of Early Music has a short article on the guitarre
   theorbee suggesting an interesting tuning/stringing method different
   from the one suggested by Donald Gill and myself - to witt -

   on the fingerboard - e' c' g c B

   1st - 5th unstopped courses - F E D C B,

   6th-7th unstopped courses - a g

   (nominally in C major - there is a C minor alternative)

   in other words there is a gap of an augmented 4th between the lowest
   note on the fingerboard and the first unstopped course, but this is
   filled in by the 6th and 7th courses which are at the correct pitch but
   out of sequence physically on the instrument rather than re-entrant in
   the strictest sense of the term.

   This certainly produces a better realization of the music - it
   eliminates the skip of a 7th in the bass line.

   I know that the theorbo sometimes had the lowest course or lowest two
   course re-entrant but these are not out of sequence. There is no gap
   between the stopped courses and diapasons.

   Does anyone know of any examples of a theorbo or other instrument where
   there is a gap between the stopped courses and the diapasons?

   What are the advantages to having the diapasons out of sequence like
   this. Are there any practical advantages either when constructing the
   instrument or when playing it? The strings will be of the same guage
   wherever they are positioned on the instrument.

   Food for thought.

   As ever


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