Many thanks to you too. Wonderful resource this list!


> On 05 February 2020 at 10:21 Azalais <> wrote:
>     There is a ref here:
>     And with different spelling of the text here:
>     ( apres auoir remarqué que le genre Chromatic a peut estre esté 
> appellé de ce nom, parce que les Grecs l'escriuoient auec des caracteres 
> rouges, ou dautre couleur, car chroma signifie couleur)
>     On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 5:02 AM Monica Hall < 
> > wrote:
>         ?space?--  I just wondered whether any kind soul familiar with 
> Mersenne's
   monumental work could Identify which Book/Chapter/page number in
   Harmonie universelle. the following quote appears.

   "Il faut remarquer que le genre chromatique de musique a pris son nom
   des couleurs , car chroma signifie couleur."

   Presumably there is a chapter about  genres somewhere in the book.

   I haven't been able to access a free copy on line and don't really want
   to make a trip to the library just to check out one reference.

   Thank you


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