Hi all,

Still preparing viking: I refactor viking in order to add features and
allow user to configure it.

An other aspect seems important: disclaimer. Contributor points me the
need of such notice, but I'm strictly unable to wrote such text: my
english is really too poor. So, I reclaim your hel for this task.

I imagine two distinct topics to talk about:
- classical: something like "use at your own risk" because we cannot
ensure safety of users
- usage: viking is a powerful toolbox and we cannot ensure it will be
use in a legal maner. Other said: what is *technicaly* possible with
viking is not forcibly legal: the user must stay responsible. For
example, Google&Viking story. An other: OpenStreetMap tiles are
downloaded, but user is not allowed to distributed them in a closed
way. Well data retrieve withviking stays under the associated license.
For this part, the most important is the "legal" vocabulry: sentences
msut be written in such a way that nobody can say we encourage usage
of viking for illegal acts.

So please, help us: send such disclaimer on the list or contribute to
the related wiki page:

Best regards,
-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
-=- mailto:guilhem.bonnefi...@gmail.com
-=- http://nathguil.free.fr/

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