2010/9/15 Robert Norris <rw_nor...@hotmail.com>:
> I would quite like the only known repeatable crash 
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3009431&group_id=83870&atid=570954
>  about the map auto download and GPS auto following conflict to be solved too.
> I posted a bit about this on this mailing list a while ago.

I only retrieve the comment you made on the ticket. If there is any
other message about this topic, can you resent or send a URL to the

> I believe the best way would be a mutex in the struct _VikViewport which 
> could then control the access to gdk_draw_pixbuf inside the 
> vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf function.
> Maybe I'll do that too....

I spend some time to look at multithread aspect of viking. My limited
skills (in viking internals and GTK/thread model) make me suspicious
about many code part.

I understood that Gtk signals are thread-safe as they are "executed"
in the main thread (the one running mainloop).
So, I think most of the background.c code can be refactored to use
signals instead of gtk lock.
Why? Currently, all downloader threads regularly locks mainthread (and
other threads) simply to refresh the progress view.
IMHO, some signals can be much better as the UI aspect will be managed
by a single thread: the main one. This is mostly possible here because
information to exchange between downloader and UI is really simple.

Looking at the code, I do not understood the meaning of the "trigger"
concept (between viklayer, vikwindow and vikviewport). Furthermore, I
have the feeling that it is not really thread-safe concept. But as I
don't understand, I can't be sure.

-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
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