
As you certainly noticed, I sent some patches to the mailing list.
These patches are my work for Bing maps support in viking. I think
this work is quite complete: maps appear, logo and copyright are
displayed. So I'm ready to commit them on master branch.

Nevertheless, I took some shortcuts in these implementations (as
commented on log messages).

So, before commiting them, I prefer to expose them to your comments.
Furthermore, you can experiment easily the resulting work by using the
following branch:
This branch is managed with topgit, so it is quite complex. It is the
reason why I pushed patches on the list: easier to comment.

Happy testing!
-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
-=- mailto:guilhem.bonnefi...@gmail.com
-=- http://nathguil.free.fr/

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