2011/9/10 Robert Norris <rw_nor...@hotmail.com>:
>> A future path can certainly improve the dialog box to acquire data
>> from device. For example, adding track/route/waypoint options, or
>> other usefull options (I do not use this feature as my GPS device
>> implement usb_storage support).
>> Any comment?
> I have been working on this for a while see (newly published):
> https://github.com/rnorris/viking/commits/GPS-DataTypes
> [No routes yet...]
> However I was waiting to complete the Route support first:
> https://github.com/rnorris/viking/commits/GPX-RouteSupport
> I also have code for GPS Device Defaults stored in new preferences - but that 
> will have to be reworked now that the list of protocols is dynamic.
> I was also working on putting the Acquire menu into the trackwaypoint layer 
> menu (newly published):
> https://github.com/rnorris/viking/commits/TrackWaypoint-Acquire-GPSUp
> This will need addition for your File import method.
> Also I'm working on a GPS upload from the trackwaypoint layer.
> This involves reworking the all the GPS code and commonizing stuff, and is a 
> work in progress. (and better if route support changes applied first too).


Following your previous comments, I will keep my ImportFile patch in
work-in-progress state for some time.

As other patches do not conflict, I propose:
- you push TrackWaypoint-Acquire-GPSUp onto master
- if ready, you push GPS-Device-Defaults onto master
- I push the needed patches for my Dynamic-Device-List (updating it if
you decided to push GPS-Device-Defaults)

All this job can be done in the week-end.
-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
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