Robert Norris <> writes:

> A deeper question is how maps.xml extension file is distributed, since
> Viking doesn't directly control this, although the data/maps.xml is
> designed to be installed into /usr/share/viking or whatever the path
> is.

I don't follow "doesn't directly control this".  It seems that it's in
the release tarball, and the straightforward install installs it.  So
when a new maps.xml is in a release, and people update, they'll have the
new default config.  That seems obviously sensible.

> Note the Window's install doesn't do anything about it.

So that's broken :-)  But I don't think the windows' installer not doing
the right thing should matter much in what happens.

> ATM The maps.xml file could change rapidly but it probably won't be
> picked up by users until the next formal Viking release.

True, but that would be true of a list that was in the source code.  If
there's an urgent change, then a release could be made.

> I think anything added into data/maps.xml file should have 
> explicit permission.

Agreed; that sounds like a safe and polite policy.

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