
Once again, I decide to work on modularizing Viking. I did relative
success already:

In order to go one more step forward, I have to reduce the number of
occurrences of "#ifdef HAVE_XXX".

To do so, I identified two possible solutions.

1) convert Mapnik feature as a MapSource.
This will allow to move this *huge* feature as a dynamic plugin.

2) merge VikLayer and VikLayerInterface.
I think this is something I would made when I refactor part of viking,
years ago. But I was too young or too lazy. :-)
Doing such refactoring will allow to have all VikLayer based class as
dynamic modules.

3) anything else? Any idea?

But before doing this, I wish to be sure nobody is working on similar
feature or similar significant refactoring.

Other though: should we integrate modularization/plugin into 1.7 or 2.0?
-=- JID: gu...@im.apinc.org MSN: guilhem_bonnefi...@hotmail.com
-=- mailto:guilhem.bonnefi...@gmail.com
-=- http://nathguil.free.fr/

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